Hair Pack for Summer Special

Protect your head from the harmful sun rays. Cover your head with a scarf. You may also use an umbrella, if you are comfortable with it. Direct exposure of hair to sun rays may cause headache and hair loss.
If you had been out in the sun during the day, do not forget to have a nice hair massage at night. Before massaging your hair, comb you hair for first 5 minutes to remove dirt and dust out of the hair.
In summers, we tend to sweat a lot. Our hair becomes oily after every two days and need frequent cleansing. Hence, wash your hair twice a week. In case your hair are too oily, then wash alternate days. Pay attention to your scalp while washing hair.
Make a habit of applying home-made hair packs during summer. If herbs are making your hair dry, then use coolants such as coconut oil or olive oil to nourish the hair.


Mint leaves
  Hibiscus leaves and flowers
Neem leaves
Tulsi leaves
Amla juice

Coconut water

  • Mint is a coolant for skin and hair. 
  • Take a half bowl of mint leaves, 
  • Add hibiscus leaves, neem and tulsi leaves to it. 
  • Grind the leaves and flowers and add amla juice and coconut water to make it into a thick paste. 
  • Apply this hair pack on the scalp and hair and leave it for 15-20 minutes.
  • Wash off the hair without  shampoo.
  • Repeat this process once or twice a week.

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