Health - How to cleanse Liver

The liver is the second largest organ in the human body and one of the most important because it's responsible for filtering harmful toxins out of the bloodstream.  We have several natural remedies, simple lifestyle changes can make that will result in a clean, healthy liver.

Simple Lifestyle changes:
  Minimize Alcohol and caffeine Intake those two are deposited lot of toxins in liver

Add lemon to your diet - lemon juice stimulates the liver's bile production to help push toxins out.

Drink water at least 2 liters - It detoxify the liver and flush toxins

Drink green tea - It boosts liver function and helps reduce fat storage in the liver.

 Drink natural smoothies - Fruits like strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, and raspberries all enhance the health of the liver.

Eat walnuts -  It has high levels of l-arginine, glutathione and omega-3 fatty acids which help to cleanse the liver of disease-causing ammonia.

Eat leafy greens - Promote liver health include dandelion greens, bitter gourd, arugula, mustard greens, chicory and spinach.

Add turmeric to your diet - It helped to regenerate damaged liver cells.

Increase garlic intake - It has sulfur-containing compounds that activate liver enzymes that work to flush out any toxins that might be in your system. 
Garlic also contains allicin and selenium, two nutrients that protect the liver from damages caused by toxins.

Eat grapefruit and avocados twice a week - both are promote a healthy liver cleanse.

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