Relief pain - Hadjod Benefits

Hadjod or Cissus quadrangularis is an ancient medicinal herb mentioned in Ayurveda.
It is a rich source of Vitamin C and carotenoids. It is used for many remedial purposes such as bone health, obesity, gout, peptic ulcer, scurvy, hemorrhoids, osteoporosis, and irregular menstruation pain reliever.
  • Bone is a living tissue. 
  • The structure of the bone changes as we age, and may result in loss of bone tissues. 
  • Good nutrition and exercise play an important role for bone health. 
  • In today’s fast paced life, there is limitation and cultural changes in diet and activity which makes it imperative to introduce supplements to keep the body healthy. 
  • In food, a combination of natural herbs maintains health in various phases of life. 
  • Hadjod or cissus quadrangular is is a perennial plant of the grape family. 
  • It was used to heal broken bones, tendons and ligaments in ancient times.
  • Cissus quadrangularis is also called hadjod, Devil’s backbone, Asthisamaharaka, Veldt grape.

Some most beneficial effects of hadjod are:

Strong bones: 

  • Research reveals greater chances of healing fractures with hadjod supplementation. 
  • Cissus quad rangular is may help increase uptake of calcium, a key nutrient required for bone strength.
  • Calcium aids in joining broken segments of bones. 
  • Hadjod supplementation may also help reduce chances of fracture by 40%. 
  • There is also less pain and swelling observed. 
  • The new formation of bone takes fewer weeks comparatively. 
  • I recommend BestSource nutrition natural supplement cissus quadrangularis extract that improves bone density and heals connective tissues. 
  • This may help athletes reduce the risk of possible fracture.

Promote bone mineralization: 

  • Osteoporosis is a softening of bone majorly related to age. 
  • Menopause also contributes to loss of bone mass in women with greater risk of fracture. 
  • Cissus quadrangularis increases the osteoblasts and bone mineralization process by increasing the uptake of calcium. 
  • So, it reduces bone resorption and increases bone formation. 
  • This herb is particularly beneficial for post-menopausal women and old people for this notable reason.

Relieve pain: 

  • Hadjod is very rich in Vitamin C, which has anti- inflammatory property.
  • Inflammation can induce pain, swelling and many health issues. 
  • Hadjod or Cissus quadrangularis is used by athletes to relieve pain and inflammation. 
  • The pain-relieving effect is found as potent as Aspirin. 
  • BestSource nutrition’s natural supplement Cissus Quadrangularis extract is a natural herb beneficial for gym-goer athletes to perform better by reducing inflammation.

Decreases post workout injuries: 

  • Since Cissus quadrangularis possess anti-glucocorticoid properties, it is beneficial for athletes and body-builders. 
  • Glucocorticoids, along with the body’s cortisol hormone, may induce muscle breakdown, loss of skeletal muscle proteins and weakens the bones. 
  • Here, Cissusquadrangularis is a competitor to glucocorticoids. 
  • Cissus quadrangularisis anabolic in nature and increases bone tensile strength. 
  • During periods of stress, over-training, or illness, the cortisol level rises, this can be halted by using Cissus Qudrangularis supplements.

Helps weight loss and reduces cardiovascular risk: 

  • Supplementation of Hadjod or Cissus quadrangularis, with exercise and natural diet, has shown very good results with weight loss. 
  • It helps burn fat and increases muscle mass, along with managing appetite. 
  • Several studies have noticed positive built up of lean muscle mass, which helps boost metabolism and burn more calories.
  •  It helps in reducing the absorption of dietary fat and staying satiated. 
  • Obesity, high body fat percentage, central obesity, or high waist to hip ratio can put one at risk of cardiovascular diseases.

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