Beauty Tips : Your Everyday Beauty

A face is the mirror of one’s personality and reveals everything about the person. By observing one’s face, one can simply tell that what the person is thinking or feeling. Drooping eyelids may indicate sadness or exhaustion, hostility is suggested by flared nostrils and a slack jaw hits out astonishment. Such is the importance of the face and the expressions that it exhibits. Needless to say, you need to take care of the beauty if you want your expressions to look more appealing.

 A beautiful face is liked by one and all and it reveals everything about your health and attitude. 

1. The Early Morning Health Drink For Glowing Face

They say the first thing that enters your stomach shows maximum health benefits.
Studies and dietitians suggest that the foods that have the highest nutritive value should be eaten the first thing in the morning.
Some of the best drinks that you can have are-

a. Honey and lemon

  • Take a glass of lukewarm water.
  • Squeeze in half a lemon and add 1 teaspoon of honey.
  • Mix well and drink it the first thing in the morning, for radiant skin and shed those extra pounds off too!
A word of warning, lemon is high in Vitamin C and tartness so Arthritis patients and diabetics should use lemon and honey sparingly and in moderation.

b. Bottle Gourd Juice

Bottle Gourd, famously known as Lauki is considered divine vegetable in Ayurveda for its amazing beneficial properties. It has a greenish and smooth surface and whitish spongy pulp that is available at very cheap rates in the market. Though it is cheaply available but is highly beneficial for human health.
  • Take a slice of Bottle Gourd. Wash it and peel it.
  • Put it in a mixer along with 10-15 leaves of Holy Basil, 4-5 peppercorns, a teaspoon of Cumin powder and give it a blitz in the blender.
  • Sieve this mix and there you have the bright green juice for relieving you of Extra weight issues, inflammation of the liver, helping you reduce cholesterol levels and works as an anti-oxidant and detoxifies your system, leaving you with glowing skin.

c. Tomato, Beetroot and Celery Juice

This is yet another extremely healthy juice to start your day with.
  • Take a bowl full of each tomato, celery and beetroot in a blender along with 1 cup of water.
  • Give it a quick blitz.
  • Sieve this mixture and add a pinch of pepper to this juice.
Consuming this wonder juice on a regular basis will give you a glowing skin, with a fast running metabolism and toxin-free system.

2. Get Moving Early to Burn Fat

Well, we are not the first ones to tell you this but – Do not forget to Exercise!
Walk, run, jog, swim, play tennis, pilates, hit the gym! There are options galore when it comes to getting yourself to move and burn fat! Don’t want to hit outdoors? Get working at home. Just take a yoga mat and get started. Abdominal Pushups, Leg squats, Lunges, Crunches and the works. What’s more! Play your favourite number and pit your dancing shoes on and watch your heart rate race up!
Deep breathe and make Pranayama (deep Breathing) and Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar) a part of your daily regime to relax and burn calories simultaneously.
The adrenaline rush and increased blood circulation help in an endless number of ways to give you that glowing skin and a natural make-up free blush. Regular Pranayama and breathing exercises will the oxygen supply and blood flow to the body and the effects will be seen on your face. Learn the right way to do Pranayama from an expert, Yoga Guru or you can take help of the internet.

3. Freshen Up For Amazing Looks!

Having an early morning bath gives you a clean and a fresh feel. Ensure you have a bath with a body wash suitable for your skin that cleanses and moisturizes your skin making it smooth and supple and also leaves you smelling like a garden! Use a loofah to help you clean your skin in a soft manner. Now a days shower gels and body washes are available in wonderful ingredients like ChocolateLavenderLemonHoneySeaweedTea treeGrapefruitOliveCoconut and even Mango! You have a plethora of body care products that give you supple and beaming skin and leave a lingering fragrance behind you, everywhere.

4. Worship The Power of Cleansing-Toning-Moisturising(CTM)

Its been proven time and again and beauticians also lay the stress on Cleansing-Toning-Moisturising routine. The basic beauty tips and the first step in taking care of your skin externally are Cleansing. Perspiration, dust, pollution, grease, make-up and bacteria need to be cleansed with a cleanser.
  • Apply a cleanser in upward motions paying special attention to areas like earlobes, nose, neck and back. Ingredients like Rose water, yogurt, lemon juice, olive oil, are the best-proven cleansers.
  • Rub a slice of half cut tomato all over your skin. It is nature’s best toner!
  • Natural cream, Almond Oil proves to be the best moisturizers. Scrub your skin once in a while with a mix of grounded orange peel and grounded almond powder or a mix of oatmeal and milk to exfoliate your skin.
Dedicated use of these products over a period of time will give you a glow in your skin that comes from a healthy inside.

5. Begin With a King-Size Breakfast For Good Health!

If you are a person aiming to lose weight or to have healthy glows on your face, to increase your metabolic rate, never even dream of skipping your breakfast. Not having your breakfast is the worst mistake you can make as well as fiddle with your health. Include Proteins and High Fibre options for your breakfast like a bowl of cereal, Oats, flax seeds, healthy smoothies, Yogurt, Whole wheat or multigrain toasts, Eggs, Tofu or cottage cheese, a glass of milk or fresh fruit juice, nuts like Almonds and Walnuts and Hazelnuts.
The inside story of having a glowing skin is ensuring you eat the right and the best things at the right and the best times. Breakfast is the first meal of the day and when had inclusive of all these healthy and nutritious foods, will give you a naturally radiant skin.

6. Sunscreen Yourself!

The importance of the sunscreen cannot be understated. Keeping the harmful UVA and UVB rays away from the skin is crucial to avoid premature aging, blemishes, tanning and sunburns that are extremely damaging to the skin.
Ever wondered what SPF written on your bottle means? It’s the Sun Protection Factor that starts at 2 and goes up to as high as 70. The more you are vulnerable to sunburn the higher SPF is better. As indispensable in summers, it is equally important all round the year. Pair your Sunscreen with a protection giving and hydrating moisturizer. This effort will guarantee you glowing tan-free skin.

7. Makeup – Your Second Skin!

A face that has a perfect amount of makeup looks beautiful effortlessly. Makeup is one such tool that helps highlight the good features and cover up the not so good ones. A light was done with the help of a light concealer and a non-cakey foundation goes a long way in reflecting light from your face. Matte skin effect can easily be achieved with the mousse or soufflĂ© form of foundations that give an airbrushed flawless look. Peach, corals and nudes on the eyes and lips give a dewy and fresh look to the face. An orange or strawberry toned blush gives that natural blush-like look to the face. A soft smudge of kohl on the eyes and even a glide of your favourite fruit flavoured lip balm and you are ready to rock.

8. Style Your Mane!

Hair makeover results in the makeover of an entire personality of a person. A peppy hairstyle instantly catches the eye of any onlooker. Taking care of your hair on a regular basis is the preparation to flaunt it at noticeable occasions.
Ensure your oil the roots of your hair regularly with almond, olive, coconut, jojoba or any other essential oils. Use a mild shampoo free of any kind of harsh chemicals and parabens or sulphates to avoid damage. Condition without fail after every wash. Chop you mane and opt for a vintage look by going for a bob, go bonkers with braids and buns, add a headgear and go for the bohemian look, try bangs for a fresh look or simply get out of your bed and flaunt those beach waves naturally!

9. Smell Like a Dream!

Let’s face it! We all want to smell like a dream. Perfumes help in keeping both – the mood and the body fresh. They aid in rejuvenating one’s complete aura. Invest in a few fragrances and mists that are light in flavour and not heavy on the nose or on your pocket. Light and airy body splashes and mists, although do not last as long as a perfume, but do help you to get through the day feeling pleasant and sweet.
Fruity, flowery, dense and musky or woody! Take your pick.

10. Homemade Face Packs For Glowing Skin!

There is no dual opinion about the fact that face packs enliven the dead feeling of your face and totally rejuvenate and recharge the cells of the face, thereby aiding the glow and shine of the skin to come through. Some of the packs that you can use as a part of your daily beauty tips are as follows –

a. Almond Powder and Herb Pack

  • Take 1 teaspoon each of Almond powder, grounded lemon peel, grounded orange peel, dried thyme, and 1 teaspoon of almond Oil.
  • Mix this pack well and apply on your face for 15 minutes.
  • Wash with cold water.
Almonds are full of Vitamin E and which is good for your skin. Vitamin E improves the complexion and gives the natural glow and shine and makes skin soft.

b. Turmeric Pack

  • Mix in a bowl 1 teaspoon of gram flour, juice of half a lemon, and 1 teaspoon of fresh cream.
  • Make a paste and apply on face, neck and hands. Leave for 30 minutes.
  • Follow with a wash.
Turmeric provides various health benefits and it is considered as a divine herb for skin care.

c. Mint Pack

This is the easiest of all – just make a paste of mint leaves and apply on your face for a cooling and soothing effect. It will also help prevent the breakout of pimples. Mint has a cooling and soothing property due to active methanol in it. Mint can be used in both ways i.e. internally and externally and it works wonderfully both ways on the skin.

11. Power Up With Accessories!

Well its time to turn to some accessories to enhance the look of your skin and overall personality. Shoes, bags, belts, jewellery, sunglasses, scarves and hats – you name it and you have it! Whether its calf length leather boots, Sexy strappy sandals, wedges or peep toes or ballerinas or the most comfortable flip flops and sneakers you must have a pair of all of these in your shoe closet.
Chandelier earrings, metallic discs, feather earrings, hoops or studs are absolute ear accessory essentials. A nice broad cuff, an armlet, multicolored bangles or chokers or long beaded necklaces, plain chains with girl pendants look beautiful on any outfit.
Whether sunglasses, cat-eye look or the nerdy geek look ones! Glasses are totally in today. Get your hands on some fun accessories to play with your dress!

12. Get Your Beauty Sleep!

You do all the hard work and toil yourself to look good and do not sleep for the basic 8 hours of the day, then all your efforts to look good are in vain! It is futile to invest time and energy in doing everything to make yourself look good but beauty sleep has a meaning and its own significance if it is called so. So doze off into the dream worlds for realizing your dream of goods skin!

13. Stay Hydrated!

Did you ever realise that half of your body is made up of water? Maintaining the fluid content of your body is an essential function that we need to do the vital organs of our body need cushioning, protection and staying hydrated helps in proper food digestion. Staying hydrated helps you in detoxifying the system and flushing out of toxins out of the body thereby giving a glossy finish to your skin.
Gorge on Coconut water, fresh fruit juices and watery fruits and vegetables like cucumber and watermelon. Drink at least 2-3 liters of water. It is the best, safest and zero calorie drink gifted by nature. It helps in pigmentation, clearing acne and discoloration of the skin.

14. Be Happy and Love Yourself!

Accept who you are and love yourself. Once you start accepting yourself, the confidence will be seen on your face. Try to be happy and cheerful all the time. It sounds difficult and hard to do. But once you feel and see the difference on your face you are definitely going to try it. A happy and smiling face always attracts anyone and is appreciated by all.
Follow these beauty tips and experience everyday.
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