Best Homemade Soap - Avocado Soap


Avocado is a well-known natural fruit that has a lot of benefits. Few of the highlighted benefits show that avocado is a great ageing inhibitor. 
Avocado also revitalises the scalp and maintains its health to prevent dandruff and flaky skin.
 The oil extract from avocado acts as a natural sunscreen and prevents the skin from damage.
Avocado homemade soap will add a lot to your healthy being and you can make it at home without any hassle.

Ingredients :

Avocado oil

Coconut oil

Olive oil

Distilled water

Procedure :

Arrange all the materials along with the moulds for the soap. 
Pour the avocado oil and prepare an olive oil infusion in a crackpot.
Put the same in a low flame and leave for overnight settlement.
Use cold compress method or room temperature settling method to make your soap. 
In the interim, you can also make some designs using the available moulds.
Insulate the soap as usual and cut into sizes desired.

Avocado homemade soap is indeed one of the most easiest and beneficial soap.

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