Weight Loss - Oat Shake

Oats are full of fiber, so they make a very healthy addition to any weight loss shake. 

Apart from that, the frozen peaches, almond milk ripe banana and the yogurt deliver a satiating breakfast really quick. 

The banana adds that much needed nutritional punch with its plethora of nutrients. 

Also, the protein content of this shake is really high; when you have more protein; you are full for longer hours.


1 1/2 cups of peeled and diced, frozen peaches

1 cup almond coconut milk blend or pure almond milk

1 (5.3 oz.)yogurt – mango, peach, strawberry or coconut

1 ripe banana, peeled and frozen

1/2 cup oats

1/2 cup of cold water


Combine all the ingredients in a blender and blend until well pureed. Serve immediately.

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