Lavender and Coconut Oil Face Moisturizer

  • One of the most common coconut oil uses is for the skin. 
  • It is great for dry skin because of its natural moisturizing properties. 
  • It nourishes and protects the skin throughout the year, giving you soft and supple skin. 
  • A moisturizer is one of the easiest things to make, and you can gain all the benefits of coconut oil when you treat your skin to a dollop of it every day.


Coconut oil – ½ cup

Vitamin E oil – 2 capsules

Lavender essential oil – 10 drops (make sure to use therapeutic grade only)
  • First, put the coconut oil into a jar and melt it by putting the jar into a saucepan with hot water.
  • Once it has melted, pierce the two Vitamin E capsules and squeeze out the oil into the jar of coconut oil.
  • Mix them well together.
  • Next, add the essential oil and make sure that all the ingredients blend well.
Coconut oil uses for skin care has many benefits and the Vitamin E oil in this recipe gives your skin extra nourishment. Both these oils also keep wrinkles, dark spots and other signs of aging at bay. Lavender oil too has many amazing effects on the skin, including disinfecting the skin and treating various skin disorders. Coconut oil uses for face will keep your skin looking radiant all year.

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